Membran Plasma Utuh Sprmatozoa Epididimis Kambing Perranakan Ettawa dalam Natrium Klorida dengan Konsentrasi Berbeda

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Arsiwan, Takdir Saili, La Ode Ba’a, Syam Rahadi


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui daya tahan membran plasma spermatozoa kambing Peranakan Etawa (PE) dalam larutan NaCl dengan konsentrasi berbeda. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Unit Reproduksi Ternak Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Halu Oleo, pada bulan Juni 2013 sampai November 2013. Epididimis dikoleksi dari rumah pemotongan dan spermatozoa dikoleksi dari epididimis menggunakan metode penyayatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan lima perlakuan. Perlakuan tersebut terdiri dari NaCl 0.7% (T1), NaCl 0.8% (T2), NaCl 0.9% (T3), NaCl 1.0% (T4) dan NaCl 1.1%. Evaluasi membran plasma utuh spermatozoa menggunakan Hypo-osmotic Swelling Test (HOS-test). Data hasil penelitian ditransformasi kedalam arcsin sebelum dianalisis menggunakan analisis varian, perbedaan antara perlakuan dianalisis dengan Uji Jarak Berganda Duncan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan rata-rata membran plasma utuh berbeda sangat nyata (P>0,01), yaitu T3 (87.92%), T4 (87.60%), T2 (85.17%), T1 (78.53%), dan T5 (75.79%). konsentrasi larutan NaCl 0.9% merupakan medium terbaik untuk mempertahankan keutuhan membrane plasma spermatozoa epididimis kambing PE.

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Kata Kunci: Kambing PE, Spermatozoa Epididimis, Membran Plasma Utuh.


Membrane Integrity of Ettawa Crossbred Goat Epididymal Spermatozoa in Sodium Chloride at Different Concentrations


The objective of this study was to evaluate the integrity of plasma membrane of epididymal spermatozoa of Peranakan Etawa (PE) goat in different concentrations of sodium chloride (NaCl) solution. The research was conducted in laboratory of Animal Reproduction of Animal Science Faculty, Halu Oleo University from June to November 2013. Testical epididymis was collected from slaughter house and spermarozoa was taken from epididymis using slicing method. The experimental design used in this study was completely randomized design with five treatments. The treatments were 0.7% NaCl (T1), 0.8% NaCl (T2), 0.9% NaCl (T3), 1.0% NaCl and 1.1% NaCl. Membrane integrity of spermatozoa was assed using Hypo-osmotic Swelling Test (HOS-test). The data collected was transformed using arcsin before analized using variance analysis, while differences between treatments was analyzed using Duncan Multiple Range Test. The results of this study showed that the highest averages of membrane integrity of epididymal spermatozoa of PE goat was occurred in T3 (87.92%), followed by T4 (87.60%), T2 (85.17%), T1 (78.53%), and T5 (75.79%). Based on those results, it was concluded that 0.9% NaCl solution was the best medium for maintaining the integrity of plasma membrane of epididymal spermatozoa of PE goat.

Keywords: PE Goat, Epididymal Spermatozoa, Membrane Integrity.




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